Could anxiety be a trumpet sounding off for you to pay attention to the important and forget about unimportant details? Well I'm having a wind ensemble orchestra inside my head lately. It's just the Unemployment Jitterbug. This afternoon I watch a rerun of Antique Roadshow (PBS version) and got all inspired about finding more about all the little objet d'art I have collected inside my brain for the last 20+ years. I cannot possibly afford what I want. I do not even think if I had the money I would buy that many antiques. I am thrilled by the stories behind the objects. It's a little bit of an answer to the philosophical Ubi sunt? (Where are they?). Antiques are proof that the past existed, really existed and had function and aesthetics working together for the common good. An Émile Gallé vase, a Philadelphia highboy, a Hokusai woodblock print they all constitute a legacy of beauty or at least the search for beauty. I like simple elegance. It has nothing to do with status symbol. Elegance is a respite from the fast and furious pace of modernity. It is a streamlined marriage between function and form. Antiques remind me of this union. Quietly watching this show calm my anxieties because I am focusing on the ability of us human to create beauty and to present it as a higher accomplishment.
Gorgeous blog you got goin here! So unique and visually interesting. Where in Texas? I split time between Austin and Las Vegas.
I adore Antiques Roadshow! I watch it faithfully every week. And how did you know I've always wanted a Russian samovar?
Cole Porter's fabulous, too. I really enjoyed browsing all your fun new sidebar features. :)
pc, I deleted my old blog and started a brand new one. I hope that you will follow me! I love antique roadshow.(being english it is almost a prerequisite
I llove the woodblock and the wonderful new side bar. Your antiques roadshow is delightful...I love those. I send you wishes for immediate and long term employment where your beauty and talents are needed Pink
and has soothed man's heart from the beginning of time X:-)
I just kind of wandered over here and I must say I love this place. You are wonderful.
The creation of beauty regardless of money - oh how important! - and how soul-destroying is the preoccupation with money as if it was all that counted. I wish money was uneccessary - then everyone could do beautiful things.
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