First Movie I saw In A Cinema: Batman (1966)
First Record I Ever Bought: Chicago XII (1977), it had Baby What A Big Surprise which I loved.
First Airflight I Ever Took: San Juan, PR to Caneel Bay, St. John, USVI (1965)
First Book Without Pictures I Ever Bought: Jaws (1974)
First Car: Ford Fairmont (1979)
First Crush: Peter Tork from The Monkees or was it Astroboy? I was 4 years old.
First Oscar: Ok, I'm kidding.
First Time I Had Coffee: 7 or 8 months old. My mother made us one shot lattes for our baby bottles...Really! I'm Latin it is cultural. We call it Café con leche.
First Job: Store Clerk at my Dad's Gift Shop/Armory Store. Mom liked porcelain figurines. Dad loved guns, he was a skeet champion. They reached a compromise. The weirdest concept for a store. The store didn't last that long. It had an iron cage in the middle where the guns, rifles, pistols and revolvers would be displayed.
First "real" Job- Translator at the Department of Education in Puerto Rico.
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face- Roberta Flack
First Time I Ate Frog- Montreal 1982, it tasted like chicken.
First Time I Realized The World Wasn't In Black and White Before I Was Born: July 1968
First Visit To The Confessionary At My Local Church- I was 7 years old, I didn't understand the whole concept of sin. I though I didn't have any. I shared this thought with my teachers. They told me that it was impossible, that everybody sins. Even saints sin, they told me, seven times a day (damn saints!) So I made up a few sins before I went to see the priest. At an early age I felt the need to keep up apereances and portray myself as a sinner.
First Existential Question Ever- I was 6 years old and was playing with my neighbors. We were pretending we were Romans and we were fighting the Vikings. Everybody was assigned a military position. They forgot about me. I got angry and yelled: "Who am I?, Who am I?"
First Time I Learned About Sex- I was 9 years old. My mom bought this book that explained how babies were created. I didn't believe it for a second. It didn't make any sense to me. As far as I knew you ordered a baby on the phone. Then when it was ready a nurse would call you up to pick the baby.
Phot of the number one by horizontal.integration from Flikr.