Being kind frees your arms, your hands from grasping. I become obsessed with my desires and I become inflexible in achieving them. In my mind, once I have declared a wish, an attainable wish, I grasp ferociously to the idea. I devise endless plans and possibilities to achieve the goal. I create battlegrounds in the mind. I become the proverbial one man army. I defeat myself. A declaration of a wish is but a door to open and see if that is a sincere wish. I have found myself wishing for things, events, circumstances that belong to others, or at least have been suggested by others. It takes time to really recognize your real inner voice. Your inner voice is buried in the dim. Meditation is a beautiful silence. Is a peaceful walk into the forest. You might fight incredible treasures there. You must go in. There are no stop signs in the forest, no traffic lights, no weather stations. In the forest your only guidance is your soul, your universal soul. You walk by it. Kindness is the inner voice. Being kind to all creatures is bliss. Kindness is an integral part of the life force. Kindness is the outer expression of universal peace. Obsession is distrust of the flow of life (I will take care of this thing the universe is not giving me). Obsession is a tantrum, a senseless one at that. Open your arms. Give kindness a chance!