Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This Cowboy Is Riding Again

Five days ago I woke up, shook my empty gallon of Motts Apple Juice container filled with small change and headed for shelter at my local Starbucks. I needed the comfort and the coffee to relax me in these most unemployed days. As I was sipping my coffee I picked up a wrinkled copy of the Dallas Morning News left behind by a hasty customer. I started to read it. A few minutes later a Korean gentleman sitting nearby handed me a section of the newspaper. I was a little bit startled by his broad smile and the fact that he subtlety insisted I take that other section. He did not speak a single word. I figured out he was Korean because he had a shopping bag written in that language. I took that other section of the newspaper timidly, thinking he must have thought the newspaper was mine. The Korean gentleman bowed slightly and left. I finished reading the headlines of the newspaper and took a brief glance at the section handed to me. It was the Employment section. In a second my eyes were focus on a rather small ad by a major educational publishing house looking for test scorers. I rushed home, gathered all the required documents and made an online appointment. Two days later I was taking a lengthy test on the subject of grammar, vocabulary and expository writing. Two hours later I was hired for a two month project. I start tomorrow. Even though it is not a permanent job it is the first job in almost 6 months. I am beyond myself. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. Fellow cowboys and cowgirls you are tops. I know your positive energy and support made a difference. DARE TO BELIEVE.


Avril Fleur said...

I am SOOOO HAPPY for you!!!! That is the greatest news I've heard in ages! I know that this will be a stepping stone to bigger and better things!! Congratulations! You know you deserve this! I think that man was a human angel there to help you at the right place and the right time! :)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

What a sweet miraculous happening! Have fun, work it baby, and be sure to thank the coffee gods and goddesses...

Linda S. Socha said...

Congratulations! Fantastic! Absolutely wonderful...Really!
Amen Amen Amen. To believe is to be real and OK

Kaye Waller said...

Angels unawares...

Tess Kincaid said...

...and a Korean angel, at that!!

Natalie said...

Angel in disguise, methinks. Congrats Cowboy, well done you.xx

Sydney said...

Oh My God! Oh my godohmygodohmygodohmygod OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's unbelievable and amazing. I am practically levitating here off my desk chair! Wow Mr. Pink, no one more deserving of such a miracle. Did you look up and find the Korean man was never seen by anyone else? :-)

Can't wait to hear more. Smooches!

Nick James said...

Good for you! I'm happy!

Red Shoes said...

Oh my gosh! How fantastic. Congrats!

Unknown said...

a korean angel ?
why the hell not ?
I can tell you now- this is more than two months work- this is a stepping stone to somewhere special......
i am smiling for you new friend x

Dusty Devoe said...

Way to go Pink Cowboy! I always say, things happen for a reason! Yes, I do believe in angels! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

your angel was right beside you, literally!
I cant wipe the smile off my face...good on you, congratulations that is just perfect and beautiful.
yep...i still have a crazy smile on my face.
youve got a job
youve got a job
youve got a job!!!!!!!!
Love it
Love you

Miranda said...

No waaaay! Gives me goosies. Fab news!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Whoopee! Congratulations Pink Cowboy - I am so happy for you! Miracles, angels, affirmations and everything wonderful and gleeful! I'm dancing around in gleefulness for you.

Tess Kincaid said...

It's so happy over here, I just had to pop in for another dose of these good vibes!!!!

judy in ky said...

Wonderful news! I am so happy for you. A miracle in these gloomy times... makes us all smile. A Korean angel indeed. I love hearing this. And I love seeing your happy photos!

Clare said...

YAYYYYYYYYYY I was totally thinking about you every day and hoping that you would find something. Congratulations sweetie! I think that man was one of your guardian angels.

Unknown said...

An Angel indeed. Awesome and congratulations!

energizeyour life said...

have a beer , I'm so glad, start your network and many good things will come along, more miracles are bound to happen, Mr Cowboy,

nollyposh said...

Awwwhhh i have *tears* in ma eyez!
i ~Love~ this little post & everything it says on so many levels... Simply ~beautiful~ (and LOVE the pics!) GoodLuck to you for kEEping the ~faith~ ...in yourself X:-)

Cherie/ Butterfly Dreamer said...

I loved this and needed to hear something inspirational tonight....thank you....

marc aurel said...

Your Korean gentle man had the wisdom to respond to your need. Its not just random acts of kindness that are good for ouselelves and others. We should look into each other, maybe contemplate compassion for a moment, and the right action may spring into being.

Anonymous said...

Congrats TPC--this is wonderful news! I have an excuse to drink tonight..cheers!

John said...

Congrats! So happy for you! I had a feeling something would happen soon!

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Wow, what a surprise... you had one of those Karate Kid moments...your ordinary wise man angel...great telling of a magical moment.<3

Peggy said...

You rock, Cowboy!! I couldn't be happier for you. You made MY day! LOL